Kibarkan Jalur Gemilang~!

Jalur Gemilang

Monday, June 7, 2010

I'm not stupid

You think you're good at it,
But I'm not stupid..

You think you could fool me,
But I'm not stupid..

You even swear when we argue,
But I'm not stupid..

And yes I'm not stupid..

Thank You Allah for the guidance..

And to you... I'm glad we're done..

Hoping for a nice goodbye with I-hope-you-will-be-happy phrase? No, never in million years..



nisa ~ shasha said...

yes ain!! yesss!
move on move on!

Pinat said...

tenkiu nisa!!tenkiuuuuu!! :)
org yg menipu tu looks stupid kn?ke mmg stupid? tetttt~! :p

hanumHae said...

persetankan je suma tu.
jgn toleh ke belakang.
org tu mmg stupid! uppssss..;p

Pinat said...

tenkiu cik hanum kerana bg sy semangat!! :)

Rozy^^ said...

ape ni x paham x paham..cakap bahasa melayu bole?hakhakhak

Pinat said...

bila jiwa kaco, aku jadi xreti ckp bahase melayu.. ko bole terima x alasan ni?wakakaka.. :p